1st Annual “On the Down-low Racist Convention” Chase Center arena San Francisco
(this parody is based on true events)
If you want to continue practicing your racism against American Black communities, without being viewed as racist, the 1st annual, “On the Down-low Racist Convention” is for you.
The convention is being slated for the first week of April 2020 at the new 18,000-seat Chase Center arena in San Francisco.
Down-low racist experts, including many of whom are San Francisco elected and appointed officials will teach tricks of the trade, so you too can practice your racism on the down-low, or under the cloak of “Diversity.”
For information on the conference/convention, first, go to the new website, NBAdoesntcare.com to read up on how San Francisco elected and appointed officials, along with the NBA pulled off one of the biggest rip-offs of the Black race since the beginning of slavery.
Participants of the convention need not worry about protests from the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP. The storied civil rights organization’s San Francisco chapter has turned its focus from torchbearers, (spreading the message) to that of being pallbearers (burying the message).
Event goers flying in to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) for the conference/convention will be treated to a one-sided view of slain gay, White politician, Harvey Milk against SFO policy.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors are forcing their will on the airport with an original $3.5 million shrine that has turned into a $6 million project bearing Milk’s name. However, due to lack of funding, the designated area will not include the fact, Harvey Milk was a friend of cult leader Rev. Jim Jones, who murdered 900 mostly Black San Franciscans in the Jonestown massacre of 1978 in Guyana.
Event speakers will include Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank. The head of the largest bank in America will detail how investing in its Advancing Black Pathways program helped mask the bank’s role in the biggest racist rip-off of a Black Oakland, CA community.
When the Golden State Warriors first announced their plans to abandon their longtime (47 years) home of Oracle Arena, located in a Black Oakland community, for a new White San Francisco community, JPMorgan Chase saw that this racist opportunity was too good to pass up. Therefore, its CEO kicked in more than $200 million for naming rights to this racist rip-off of that Black community.
Convention host, also San Francisco mayor, London Breed, will share a moving photo slideshow of her victory over The City’s White privilege who tried to prevent her from being mayor of The City. But as an olive branch or, let bygones be bygones, Mayor Breed is expected to explain why on earth she tapped the head of a racist city agency to solve the problem of racism against Black city workers.
Breakout sessions to train and instruct on best down-low racist industry practices are designed by city policy to force Blacks out of San Francisco. This portion of the convention will be a full day event.
But the, “Black Lives Don’t Matter” testimonies are the must attend feature of the convention. Victims of egregious acts of racism, marginalization, discrimination and disrespect perpetrated by SF City Hall will tell their true stories; giving insight to why so many Black San Franciscans have left The City.
The keynote speaker for this conference/convention will be NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver.
Silver’s address to all attending this historic first convention is expected to encourage all who cling to their racism, to keep it in the closet until further notice.
Using San Francisco as an example, Silver will promise to look the other way for any municipality willing to keep their racism on the down-low as part of a new NBA policy. Applications for a possible future NBA franchise home or NBA All Star game will be moved to top of consideration if interested local governments simply play along to keep the NBA’s big secret: NBAdoesntcare.com.